Friday, March 14, 2014

    Moon phases
  Hello science fans. Today we are going to learn about something new. Today we are going to learn about the moon's phases. I know what you're thinking. We already learned about the moon. I know but this time we are just going to learn about the Charactists and phases. My friend Emma the Meap should be here any second. But until then keep reading to learn about the moon's Myth.
  First we are going to learn about what people thought of the moon. Have you ever seen the moon yellow? "Yeah". Said Emma The Meap. Emma The Meap, What took you so long anyway. why don't you tell us about what people thought of the moon. "OK, people thought the moon was made out of cheese." said Emma The Meap. "That's the weirdest thing I have ever heard." said the Science Fairy. "I have a question for you. Do wolves howl at a full moon or is that another myth also?" asked the Science Fairy. "It's a myth because it may look like it's howling at the moon but its actually not." said Emma The Meap. "Then what are they howling at then?" asked the Science Fairy.  "They are giving signals to other wolves." said Emma The Meap. 

  "Now its my turn to ask a question." said Emma The Meap. "Ask away." replied the Science Fairy.  "Does crime increase at a full moon?" "That's a good question Emma The Meap.  no it doesn't, because the scientist found out that it has nothing to do with its phases. answered the Science Fairy.  "That's true. Come one we should move one." said Emma the Meap. 

  "We are going to learn about the phases. I know that we learned about this the last time but I'm still going to teach it again." said the Science Fairy.  "Can I talk about it?" asked Emma the Meap.  "Sure go ahead." answered the Science Fairy.  "The moon has a cycle of phases. It goes in order like first quarter, waxing gibbous, then full moon." "Cool!" said the Science Fairy.  "Did you know the whole concept of the month is based on it's cycle." asked Emma The Meap. "Really?" said the Science Fairy. "Yeah here's a little history. Back in the day the ancient Greeks used the moons phases to see what time it is or what months it is." answered Emma the Meap.  "Cool I learned something new today. I have something about the moon too." said the Science Fairy.  "What is it?" said Emma. "Did you know that shadows have nothing to do with the phases of the moon?" "Really!" said Emma.  Yup. said The Science Fairy. "It looks like we both leaned something new today". Said Emma The Meap.

"I have a question for you, Emma The Meap. Why don't we see a solar and lunar eclipses on monthly basis?" asked the Science Fairy.  "That's a good question, Science Fairy. The answer is The sun, earth, and moon don't line up with each other very often. So that means we won't have a lunar/solar eclipse every month." answered Emma the Meap.

"Now we are going to talk about why one half of the moon is dark and the other have is dark. That's called a half moon." said the Science Fairy.  "That's right." replied Emma the Meap.  "The reason its like that is because the sun is reflecting only on one side of the moon because it is orbiting the same time we are.  The moon only reflects 11 percent of the moon." said the Science Fairy.  "That is little but how can we still see it?" asked Emma The Meap. "The sun is so bright on Earth that the moon is bright to us." answered the Science Fairy. "Very interesting." said Emma.  "Now we are going to talk about all the phases of the moon." said the Science Fairy. 
 "The first phase we are going to talk about is the new moon. A new moon is when we on earth cant see the moon at all it is completely dark." said the Science Fairy.  "Correct, the next step in the cycle is the waxing.  Waxing means it's growing bigger all the way to a full moon and waning is when it is getting smaller." said Emma The Meap. 

   "Now the crescent moon. Everyone should have seen a crescent moon before." said the Science Fairy.  "Like in the movies?" asked Emma The Meap. "No in the sky." replied the Science Fairy.  "Yeah that too." said Emma.  "A crescent moon is when its close to a new moon but not that close.

   Now a half moon is just what we talked about so just look back to the paragraph you read before. The gibbous moon is so close to a full moon it kinda looks like a full moon but it's not. Everyone knows what a full moon is.

   A full moon is when we can see the entire side of the moon.  We are going to talk about the third quarter moon.  Its when three quarters of the moon is dark and one quarter of the moon is dark. Our last thing is the lunar month. A lunar month is the period of time from a new moon to a full moon." said the Science Fairy.         

  "That's the end of the blog. I'm Science Fairy." "And I'm Emma The Meap saying keep learning science!" Said both of us.

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