Thursday, March 6, 2014


   Hello Science fans. Welcome back! I know there are no more planets left but today we are going to learn about the beautiful thing that is in the sky every night. You guessed it. The MOON! To make this more fun lets take a space ship like the first man on the moon. Put your astronaut suit on and lets go!

Good news in this blog we don't have to learn about the history. Before we do anything someone asked me is the moon seconded brightest object. Why is the moon so bright? That's a good question. The answer is it reflects light from the sun. The moon only reflects 11 percent of the sun's light. But the sun is so bright that even that much reflection is so bright to us. That should answer the question.

Some people ask why does the moon not show up as a perfect circle. Well that's called phases. Phases are when the moon makes shapes. Well here's a different way to explain them. First we are going to talk about new moon.  
                         New moon

A new moon occurs when the moon is positioned between the earth and the sun. The entire illuminated portion of the moon is on the back side of the moon, the half that we cannot see.



Full moon

The full moon is when you can see the entire moon.  The entire sunlit part of the moon is facing us. The shadowed portion is entirely hidden from view.

                              Half moon

The half moon is when one side is dark and the other side of the moon is light.                    

It takes 27 days to go from one full moon to the next full moon. Which means no matter how many times it rotates we on earth are always going to see only one side of the moon. Now we are going to talk about the passage f time. What is that you ask? It means the elapsing of time. It means the time keeps moving no matter what.

Now we are going to describe the features of the moon's surface. The moon's surface has no atmosphere. Since it has no atmosphere the meteors or asteroids are burned up. When they hit the surface it makes huge craters. It's like a protector.
There has been a lot of theories on how the moon was made. One theory is while the earth was formed a chunk of it came off, the earth's gravity pulled a chuck of rock, and a huge meteor hit earth and the pieces of earth made the moon. But the truth is nobody knows for sure.  But scientist are till trying to find out.

This is the end of my blog for the week. Here are my interesting facts.

                      Interesting facts

1. The Moon is slowly drifting awa.
2. The Moon looks the same size as the Sun.
3. Only 12 people have ever stepped onto the surface of the Moon.
4. The Moon is the 5th largest natural satellite in the Solar System.
That's it for my blog this week. This is The Science Fairy saying keep learning science. Peace.




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