Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hello Science Fairy fans. Today we are going to learn about Uranus. Ha,Ha,Ha. I know I know it's funny. But it doesn't mean that. Wait don't go, it is very interesting. Did you know it has diamonds on it? Yeah you didn't know that did you? Keep reading to learn more.

 Time for  some history. His name is Ouranos. He married Gaia. He had to father twelve sons and six daughters. Gaia was in immense pain so she told her sons to rebel but we are going to skip that. Anyway after all of that, the Greek made him the god of the sky and changed his name to Uranus. Below is a picture of him.

Now it's time to learn about the planet. "What about the diamond?"
I'm getting there. But first we have to learn about its rings. Some people say they don't have rings but they are WRONG! Uranus has 13 rings. They are sparser than Saturn's rings. You can't see its rings with the naked eye. You can only see them through a telescope.
 Now we are going to talk about its mo..."diamonds". NOT YET! be patient we are going to talk about its moons. Click this link to learn about all the moons.
 Now are going to talk about the inside of Uranus. First part is the hydrodren, helium, and methane. Next it has a liquid mantle, it's full of water. The final part is its diamond core. "Finally". Happy know? OK, let's move on to its atmosphere.
The atmosphere is the same as Saturn and Jupiter. It's surface is gas. So that makes it a gas giant. The atmosphere of Uranus is composed mainly of molecular hydrogen and helium. The third most abundant molecule after hydrogen and helium is methane. It’s the methane in Uranus’ atmosphere that absorbs the red spectrum visible light and gives it the blue-green color.


  Did you know that Uranus is tittled on its side? Scientist think it was hit by a meteor while the solar system was still being made. 
The  seasons are very different. As it goes around the sun one side is dark the other side is light. The dark side is bellow zero. There are massive storms on Uranus. They are so big they cover a whole continent.  

                           Fun Facts
1. Uranus is the coldest planet in the Solar System.

2. Summer on Uranus lasts one long day – 42 years.

3. Uranus is the second least dense planet.

4.    Uranus was the first planet discoversed in the modern age.

5. Uranus has only been visited once.

                      Hope you enjoyed my blog. This is The Science Fairy saying keep doing science.

ps. if you read this the core is molten rock.


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