Sunday, February 2, 2014

   Crazy Space Jump

Hello welcome back to Space News.  I'm The Science Fairy. Today this crazy person jumps out of a shuttle down to earth. Crazy right? Read more about this crazy story. 

The brave astronaut's name is Felix Baumgartner. The height was 24.2 miles from earth. That is crazy high! I would  never do that in my entire life. Anyway, he is 127,852 feet above New Mexico. When he does this fall he is going to be the first free falling person to break the sound barrier. "I think that's why he wanted to do it, to become famous" said Emma the Meap. Wait, what how did you get in here security, security. Now that she is gone, let's continue.

The people who are helping him are Sage Cheshire Inc. and other Southern California aerospace companies.  These firms are anticipating commercial space travel and want to know whether passengers can safely bail out from stratospheric heights just in case. The Red Bull, you know the drink? Anyway, they paid for the whole thing. it could cost millions of dollars.

As you know it hasn't started yet, but...... "Hey look they are starting, they are starting!" said Emma The Meap. How did you get back in here? "The back door." Whatever, you can stay. "Yay let's watch the video!" said Emma the Meap.
Here is a video of him jumping out of the shuttle. 

Hope you enjoyed the video! This has been Space News. See you next time!!



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