Thursday, September 5, 2013

   MILKY WAY    
 Hi people it's the Science Fairy. Well my other name is travel fairy. Anyway we are going to travel in to space lets gooooooo!
three two one blast off
 We are in space cool.
Look there's a milky way galaxy lets try to count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, oh never mind there are too many. But really there are 200 billion and 400 billion stars in our galaxy.We live on the orion arm and the sun is so tiny we can't even see it. Look here's a chart. 
 The milky way's center is a bungle of stars.
preety is it.
There are four major arms and several minor ones. They spiral around a huge bungle in an area known as the disk.
No! Not that kind of disk!
 See now that's a disk.
As you can see it is flat as a coin.Outside the disk is a halo of stars.
 Most astronomers think there's a big black hole.
Let's check it out! Come on don't be a scaredy cat. If you're not ,then come on.
 Whoa I see why you are scared. Don't get close to it or you will get sucked inside. It is so strong not even light can get get out that's why it is so dark. Look There are two other Galaxies coming to us . They might combine with us. Our solar system orbits around the galactic center every 225-250 million years. That periond time is called the galactic year.
Cool Right!
 Well time to go back to earth.
 Was that fun or not? I hope you had a blast. This is the Science Fairy saying keep doing science!
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