Monday, September 16, 2013

Black Holes
Hi, this is the Science Fairy saying welcome back! Theres no way out! Just kidding. Anyway we are going to learn about black holes. Here we go!
 P.S. we are not going back in time.  We are going to space and this is way cooler than a space shuttle isn't it? Anyway, her we go!
Woah we landed right near the black hole. Ok, lets back it up.
Ok, this is a good view. Time to learn. A black hole is a region of the universe so dense it traps stuff in there forever.  Scientists think there are two ways for a black hole to form. A death of a large star and a group of stars that collapse together. If a black hole finds our solar system the meteors would lose there place then crash into earth and that would be close to the end. Any way thats not going to happen in a billion years. There are black holes wandering the space. They are so strong they can make planets crash. AHHHHHHH! Planets are crashing, cover your ears!
                                                                    BOOM CRASH!
                                 Ok, now that over there is a black hole sucking in a star.
Cool right? Anyway, you can't  see in a black hole. One of the crazy things about them is that nothing could ever escape that strong gravitational pull, not even light.  So they are completely invisible. Black holes do have sort of an edge. It is called an event horizon.  It means no way out. No one can ever escape once they are sucked in. Here is an example.  How about a water fall, for instance. Ok the closer you are to the waterfall the more rapids there are.  So when you fall in to the waterfall you can't get out.
Lets talk to Albert Einstein.  He might have more information for us. Lets goooooooooo!
Me-Hi Albert Einstein
Albert- Hi
Me- Do you having any examples of space time?
Albert- Yes I do. Here, hold the other side of the fabric. Ok, now I'm going to put a rock in it.
Me- Woah the rock made a very deep hole in the fabric.
Albert-  Yes, that means that it made a hole in space time and that makes it a black hole. Well you should get going.  See you later.
Me - Bye.
Ok, one more example, then we will be done. This example is drop a clock into a black hole.  Look at Clock A and B. IF you want to do this experiment, go to this website.
Click on the websie in front of you!
Well its time to go back.  Hope you had a fun time!
Was that amazing? Comment me if you liked it.
This is the Science Fairy saying peace out.
Space smily face cool!
Come and see my next blog!

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  1. mari good job you had good info and your pictures went with the topic good job.

  2. hi Mari. I liked the whole space-time thing. I also liked the conversation with Einstein. Some grammar stuff kinda made it hard a little bit to follow.

  3. Hi! I liked the conversation between Einstien and yourself, but you could be a little more careful with your grammar! Great job over all

  4. I liked the pictures. the backround went with the topic. you had spelling mistakes though.

  5. I like how you included the adiance in the blog and like always I like the pics and like Sachin you have to be carfule with the grammmer

  6. Great photos and good info, but you should add hyperlinks. Overall great.
