Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Nonrenewable and renewable resources
Hello Science Fairy fans. Sorry I haven't been doing blogs lately. I've been very busy. Anyway today we are going to learn about nonrenewable and renewable resources. We are going to see what's renewable and what's not. Let's get started.

           Differences of  Non/Renewable Resources
  We first need to know what the differences are with nonrenewable and renewable resources. Renewable is you reuse it every single time and it never runs out. Nonrenewable means there is a limited amount. That means the difference is nonrenewable is limited, and renewable is unlimited. Now if you still don't understand I'm going to give you some examples.   
   Nonrenewable                       Renewable
  • Coal                               1.Sun
  • Minerals/metal                     2.Water
  • Natural gas                        3.Wind
  • Nuclear fuels                      4.  

  •                                                          Fossil Fuels

    People have been asking me what exactly are fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are fuels like coal that we use for trains and for factories and other uses like that. We have to be careful when we use fossil fuels because they can pollute the air.

       Scientist say Fossil Fuels are a nonrenewable resources. and some people don't know why. The reason why Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resources because they have a limited amount of fossil fuels in the world. We keep using them over and over again. Soon there are going to be no fossil fuels left in the world.
            Now we are going to learn the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy, wind energy, and hydroelectric energy. First let's do solar energy.
                   Solar Energy
    Advantages: It's a renewable source so it will never run out.
    It doesn't make pollution in the air. They are super easy to install.
    Disadvantages: It is expensive to install on your roof. It will be helpless if it storms or if it's cloudy. It doesn't look good on the house.


     Wind Energy
    Advantages: Wind will never run out any time soon. The wind is free and we are able to cash in on this free resource. It's a reliable supply of electricity.
    Disadvantages: The wind turbines are noisy. Everyone will get tired of seeing them. It takes away a lot of nature.

                       Hydroelectric Energy

    Advantages: It can last decades without running out. Eelectricity can be produced at a constant rate. If electricity is not needed, the gates can be shut.

    Disadvantages: Dams are extremely expensive to build and must be built to a very high standard. The flooding of large areas of land means that the natural environment is destroyed. People living in villages and towns that are in the valley to be flooded, must move out.


       There is a word named conservation. It means it is conserving electricity. Like turning off the lights when you dont need them and take less showers. Thats conservation. We should move on.

That's it for this blog hope you enjoyed this. This is The Science Fairy saying keep learning science.


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