Monday, October 14, 2013

                      Stink Bugs Invading homes

     Hello everybody this is the Science Fairy and Lily the Science Cat,welcoming you to Bug News.We got some bugging news for you today. We just heard that there are stink bugs invading other people's homes. "That's just odd" said Lily.  "I know right".  Keep reading to find out more about stink bugs invading homes.

These bugs have been crawling into peoples homes this fall and there have been an unpredictable number of them. The scientist, Dave Shelter thinks that when the  first frost comes to the city there is going to be bunch of stink bugs in peoples homes, because they need a warm place to live for the winter.  But the good news about this fall is  no one so far has called that there are stink bugs in there home.

Lily is going to tell you the reason why people don't like it when stink bugs go in there homes. "Thank you Science Fairy.  The reason people don't like them is because they stink up there houses.  That's why they are called stink bugs.  It's a challenge to get them out of your home." But Lily, how can you get them out of your house? "That's a good question, Science Fairy.  There are many ways for you to get them out of your house.  Stink bugs love warm attics.  So all you have to do is seal all the spaces in your attic.  You can vacuum them, but it makes the vacuum smell really bad.  The last way you can get them out of your house is to have a stink bug trap.  It can keep them out before they reach your house.  Back to you, Science Fairy." Thank you Lily.

Stink bug: "Dude, I think we just got tricked."
That's all for today folks.  Come see us next time, to see all the new bugs that scientist have found. Well, see you next time.  Buzz out!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Hi scientist are you ready to learn about galaxies. I know the past 3 blogs were about space, but this one is going to be great. Here we goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Woah cool!
Here we are. Look, there are tons of galaxies around us. Let's get close to one. Ok, a galaxy is made up of dust, gas, and matter. They are held together by gravity. Galaxies have two hundred to six hundred billion stars. Thats a lot of stars. The scientists estimate that there are 100 billion galaxies. That's a lot of galaxies. 
Scientists estimate that there are seven new born stars in the milky way galaxy, each year.  Amazing right? Scientists also estimate that there is a black hole in most of galaxies and that they are usually in the center. We aren't going to talk alot about black holes.

A super cluster is a large group of smaller stars.
It's time to learn about the four kinds of galaxies. The first is the spiral. It is shaped like a disc and holds middle age stars. A spiral galaxy has a small bright center or nucleus. Barred spiral has its arms extended and sideways in a short line before spiraling outward. Next is the elliptical galaxy.  The elliptical can be shaped like any round sphere.  It holds old stars. The last one is the irregular galaxy.  Irregular galaxies can be undefined shapes and holds young stars.

You can tell there is a supermassive black hole in the galaxy because it spits out its food and all the stars shot out into space. The reason why it does that because it eats to fast.
See, it's spiting the stars into outer space.
Let's learn about The Big Bang.  You remeber that don't you?  Anyway, The Big Bang was so strong it is still pulling the galaxies away today. That is called redshift. If the galaxies are geting closer to each other that is called BlueshiftDoppler shift is which way a galaxy's moving by something.
That was a long lesson wasn't it?  Anyway, time to go home!!

We are back home. Hope you had a fun time with me today. This is the Science Fairy saying keep doing science.  PEACE!