Thursday, August 22, 2013

                                   The Scienctific method

Hello peeps this is my first time ever doing a blog. So i hope you enjoy my BLOG!

 Having a hard time with your science project read this and you have it done in a second.

what you need is a scientific method.Whats a scientific method you say well ill tell you.there are more than one scientific methed.some versions have more steps, while others may have a few. however they all begin with the  identification of the problem or a question.
know you have to learn the steps and without farther ado her come the steps

1. Idenify the problem
2. form a hypothiesis.Make a question
3. create a experment.think of an expermint you what to do.
4. perfom the experiment.
5. anlaye data. see if your hypothiesis is right.

                 See was that hard no of coruse not.

this is science fairy speaking. keep doing sceince experiments.